Ko wai au?
Who am I?
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ruahine pae maunga
Ko Rangitīkei te awa
Ko Ngāti Raukawa rātau ko Ngāti Kauwhata, ko Tūwharetoa ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Manomano te hapu

Ko Rā-ana Gardner tōku ingoa.
I’m a māmā and a nanny, living in the Tokomairaro rohe (Milton area) with my tamariki and mokopuna.
I have had in my lifetime a fair amount of loss, grief and sadness.
I struggled with prenatal depression, fought 2 different cancers and so much more. Each time looking to my tūpuna for guidance.
It’s from all these life experiences and tūpuna guidance that I embarked on my healing hīkoi, realigning me with my wairua (spirit) and deepening my connection with tūpuna, ātua, Io matua kore.
This guidance and connection from tōku tūpuna have shown me my toanga of matekite! These toanga are spiritual conduit, clairsentient, clairaudient, clairvoyant. Combined with my skills in Swedish massage, Reiki, social services and counselling I decided that I needed to step into my toanga for the good of others.
With that TŪPUNA HEALING AOTEAROA has been created and is operated by me.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Ko tō ngākau ki ngā toanga a ō tūpuna
Our thoughts and actions are enriched when guided by our tūpuna (grandparents) and all the generations that have come before us. They reside in te Rā (sun), the marama (moon), the whetu (stars), the moana (ocean), and the ātārangi (shadows)—they are part of everything. Our tūpuna are forever present, offering guidance and wisdom. Together with Tūpuna Healing Aotearoa, I am here to awhi (support) you, knowing that my tūpuna have supported me through both my highs and lows and continue to do so!